Sitemap - 2024 - Ancient Origins UNLEASHED

The Cult of the Dead in Prehistoric America

The Busy Romans Needed a Mid-Winter Break Too … and it Lasted for 24 days

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: 2024's Top Archaeological Discoveries!

Political Landscape of the Nativity of Jesus

The Star Of Bethlehem Leading the Magi To The Cave Of Treasures

A Sacred Light in the Darkness: Surprising Winter Solstice Illuminations at Spanish Missions

Come Over to the Dark Side of Christmas

The Hucksters and Suckers of Archaeological Scams

Ancient Medical Knowledge is Written in the Skin

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: Cyber-attack on Ancient Origins Won't Stop the News

Russia’s Wealth of Archaeological Wonders Exposed

Unpacking the Ten Plagues of Egypt: A Scientific Explanation

Homer’s Odyssey Meets Cinema Magic: Ralph Fiennes & Juliet Binoche In The Return!

Were the Anunnaki the Architects of the Towers and Tombs of the Giants of Sardinia?

Ancient Gold Hoards of the Celtic El Dorado

The Story of the Midgard Serpent: A Mythological Tailspin

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: Mad Aztec Whistles, Bonkers Egyptian Cocktails, even the Neanderthals were on the Glue!

Swapping Babies: The Disturbing Faerie Changeling Phenomenon

The Origins of Evil: The Story of Human Spirituality and Belief Systems

The Ars Notoria - An Ancient Magical Book to Perfect Memory and Master Academia

Ramesses III and the Harem Conspiracy: Diabolic Plot to Kill the Living Horus Unfolds

The Seven Most Deadly Weapons of the Crusades, or Were There Eight?

Uncover ancient mysteries with 20% OFF everything in Ancient Origins

The Malagana Treasure: Gold and Greed, A Lost Civilization Plundered

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: A Medieval Castle found, Alexander’s Sacred Tunic and Middle Kingdom burials top this bumper pack of ancient finds.

The Violent Life of Fredegund: Was She a Queen, a Murderess or a Woman Intent on Survival?

Botanical Mystery of the Ancient Ulbster Stone

How Much of What We Believe About Ancient History is Really True?

The Ancient Hopi Legend of Palatkwapi: City of the Star People

A Night with the Grave Robbers of Nazca

The Enigmatic Pilgrim at the Magic Door of the Palace of Palombara

The Cat Came Back: A More Than Mythical History of Our Feline Friends

Shop Early & Save Big: Exclusive Black Friday Voucher Inside!

Does the Ancient Symbolism of the Los Angeles Public Library Hide a Luciferian Undertone?

Experience a Global Spirit, inspired by the heart of Ireland!

Butehamun, Opener of the Gates to the Underworld: Dismantling Sacred Places of the Dead

Step Back in Time: The Knossos Game is Here!

The Sagas of the Icelanders Shed Light on a Golden Age

The Mayan Calendar and the Yugas: Systems Predicting the Rise and Fall of Civilization

Bones of the Child, Tools of the Shaman: Ritual and Cosmology at the Hopewell Tunacunnhee Mounds

Unlock Ancient Mysteries this Halloween: 10% OFF + Exclusive Ancient Origins Keychain!

Christian Round Churches Hide Astronomical Secrets of the Viking Seafarers

Optical Illusions: The Challenge of Tracing Human Origins

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: Controversy, Controversy and, oh, a woolly rhino….what a fortnight!

Decapitation? No Problem. The Magic of Restoration: Ancient Myths and Practices of Plastic Surgery

36 Chambers of Death:

Deception, Trickery & Conspiracy: The End of the Italian Christopher Columbus

Vikings in Byzantium: The Varangians and their Fearless Conquests

The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant - Following Ancient Clues

The Fate of Fierce Chief Michikinikwa, ‘Little Turtle’ Resistance Fighter

Discover Handcrafted Wooden Treasures from Ireland!

One week left! Don't miss out on our special limited time discount.

Battle of the War Gods: Ares versus Athena! Understanding Ancient Greek War Deities

Giants On Record: Anomalous Skeletons in the Academic Literature

Orichalcum: Legendary Metal of Atlantis, Or Just A Common Ore?

Unleashed Debrief: Atlantis Metal, Prehistoric Sex Bias, Moche Queen's Throne Room and a Monumental Battle Zone

An Ancient Origins Special Feature: An Interview with Dan Jones

Thinking Critically About Where UFOs Come From: Examining Closer To Home

In appreciation of all of our supporters and subscribers

Ostraca: Voices from the Place of Truth

Did the Templars Hide the Ark of the Covenant in England?

Ancient Secrets Come into Sight: The Pineal Gland, Pinecone Symbolism, and the Third Eye

The True Age of the Osirion at Abydos, an Antediluvian Temple

An Exclusive Interview with Renowned Historian Dan Jones

The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders

Unleashed Debrief: Merlin’s Grave, A Bunch of Troglodytes and Clovis Campers

Atlantis of the Sands and The Lost City of Ubar: Lost, Found, and Lost Again

Subutai: Dog of War - Military Strategist Behind Genghis Khan’s Conquering Empire

The Viking Serpent: Serpent Worship, Sacred Geometry, and Secrets of the Celtic Church in Norway

Zep Tepi and the Turin Royal Canon: Unanswered Mysteries in the Lists of Succession

A Real Wiseguy! Witty Sage and Ancient Comedian Nasreddin Hodja Has the Last Laugh

The Last Trojans, Last Rites and, a Fabulous 8,000-year-old Female Statuette

The Comet that Changed Civilization – And May Do Again

Digging Up The Past: Episode 24

Psychopomp: Crossing Over Passage in Ancient Ghostlore

Worshipers, Rule-Breakers and Champions

Anunnaki Revealed: Who Were These Beings of Ancient Astronaut Theory?

The Fierce Mythical Unicorn Travelled the World and Through Cultures, Killing and Healing

The Legend of Ebu Gogo, the Secret Tribe of Wild Grandmother Flesh-eaters

Shamanic Explorations of Supernatural Realms: Cave Art

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: What Will Survive? Exploring the Future Ruins of Human Civilization

Creation Stories of Africa: The Children of Kings

How it Ends: The Ancient Roots of Doomsday Prophecies and End of the World Beliefs

Thinking Critically about Time: A Cyclical View of Knowledge and Civilization

Viracocha's Astronomical Creation Engine

The Horrifying History of the Midnight Terror Cave in Belize

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer

From The Ashes Of Angels – The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race

The Helots: Slave Warriors of Ancient Sparta

Eadric Streona: The Worst Briton Ever?

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: How to Make Your Mark on History: Empires

Science Versus Religion On Our Ancient Origins: What If They’re Both Wrong?

The Ancestral Myth of the Hollow Earth and Underground Civilizations

Nyi Blorong, Commander of the Southern Seas and Bringer of Wealth

Celebrating 50 History-Packed Issues!

Digging Up The Past: Episode 23

The Ingenious Aztec “Floating” Farms of Mexico

Ancient Automata

Suttee: Deadly Ancient Lessons on How to be a ‘Good Wife’ and a ‘Redeemed Widow’

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

How to Shrink a Head

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: Midsummer Madness includes Mound Treasures, Spartacus Walls and Stonehenge Misadventures

Carter and Tut: Masks, Mosquitoes, and Mania!

Is the 10,000-Year-Old Yonaguni Monument a Man-Made Marvel or Nature's Art?

From Footpaths to Flying Taxis

Descendants Of The Fallen Angels From Canaan

The Many Legacies of Brunhilde

The Mischievous Munaciello: A Folletto of Neapolitan Folklore

The Harrowing Remains of the Battle of Visby's Medieval Massacre

Digging Up The Past: Episode 22

Digging Up The Past is now part of Ancient Origins!

A Message from the Ancient Origins Team

Ritual Chambers of the Andes: Used in Secret, Near Death Simulations

From Ancient Remedies to Modern Marvels: A Journey Through the History of Medicine

Durandal: The Epic Saga of Roland's Legendary Sword

Burned Bones, Mysterious Timber Circles & the Rites of the Ancients

Hidden Hue: Why Ancient Civilizations Failed to See the Color Blue?

Using Sacred Numbers to Make Money

Censorship from Ancient Times to the Digital Age

The Magic of Heka: Ancient Egyptian Rituals That Have Crossed Cultures and Time

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: King Charles III’s Ancestral Secrets, an Ax Wounded Pharaoh, and Dragons, lots of Dragons

From Sorcerer to Saint: The Arcane Life and Magickal Times of Saint Cyprian

From Ancient Scholars to Modern Struggles: The Evolution and Future of Education

Scribes in Egypt: Brilliant Practitioners of the Outstanding Profession – Part II

A Conspiracy of Silence: Are We Older Than We Think We Are?

Efforts in globalization in the past and now

Ancient Tech, Ancient Rights, and our 50th Issue…this week we go way back!

The Mystery of Krishna: Was He Man or Myth?

Buccaneers’ Brimstone, Booty, Brotherhood and Betel Nut

Evolution of Morality and Ethics throughout history

Exploring the Untold History Behind Ouija Boards

The Mysteries Of The Mortal Remains Of Genii: Da Vinci And Mozart

Chinese Lion Kings: Winged Lions, Foo Dogs and Gaimei

Old Faces, Lost Faces, Faces of the Gods

The Price of Progress? The Educational and Ethical Considerations of Studying Human Remains

The Love Affair of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and the Handsome Antinous

The Enigma of the Tomb of Alaric, King of the Visigoths

The Origins Of Ancient Greek Creation Mythology

The Dangerous and Powerful Guardian Spirit Queen of the South Seas, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul

Doubts on Evolutionary Evidence, A Freak of Nature, and Voynich Manuscript Gets Pretty Freaky Too…

The Bible Code: Hidden Messages From Another Realm

Was the Ark of the Covenant an Instrument of Anachronistic Technological Knowledge?

Ancient Maya Anime Revealed Within Timeless Maya Artworks

Orion: Archaeoastronomy Inspiration for the Pyramids of Giza and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan

Göbekli Tepe, Birth of Civilization and Religion

The Mysteries of Ancient Moon Calendars, a Sarcophagus Worth Opening, Viking Body Modifications, and Who Are You, the Urartu?

Scribes in Ancient Egypt: Custodians of the Voice and Words of the Divine – Part I

Revealing the Truth Behind the Tale of the Man in the Iron Mask

The Comet Hunters Of Göbekli Tepe

Immortality Lies within the Legend: Is Gilgamesh Alive and Well?

Perplexing Petroglyphs Put to the People

Legacies of Otherworldly Celtic Faerie Kings

Deep-Rooted Mythology of Sacred Trees of the World

Herodotus’ Fish-Eating Horses and Founding Myth of the Macedon Royal Lineage

Exodus: Were the Israelites Slaves in Egypt or Not?

New Wonders from Ancient Civilizations: From Mesopotamia to the Etruscan Tombs

Investigating the Truth Behind Legendary Tales of the Kap Dwa Giant

The Other Side of the Flood: Was Abraham of Indian Descent?

Bronze Age Cataclysmic Comet Responsible For The Sea People

Brief Response with Dr. Neil Bockoven

Mussolini’s Quincussis: Was the Ancient Roman Coin a Fake?

The Mayflower: England’s Doomsday Ship

Strategic Staircases, Bronze Age Brilliance and a Viking Tradeoff

Who Built This City? Underground Derinkuyu, and the Rock Churches of Göreme

Who Wrote The Bible?

The Puzzling Horned Helmet of Henry VIII

Fatally Disrupting The Thesmophoria: The Savagery Of Greece’s Citizen Wives

Cotzumalguapa: Evidence of Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Contact

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief: Heady Rituals of the Ages Examined First-Hand

The Deadliest Man Eaters In Mankind’s Evolutionary History

The Pros and Cons of the Armory of the Ancient Israelites

The Treacherous Legacy of the Cursed Amethyst

Chronovisor: The Time Machine That Captured The Crucifixion of Jesus

Italian Renaissance Paintings of UFO’s Hidden in Plain Sight

Ancient Origins Unleashed Debrief

Mimicking Gods and Gladiators: The Assassination Of Emperor Commodus

Can the Mayans be Dated to the Younger Dryas Ice Age?

Killer Queen: Meet Queen Elfrida – The Original Wicked Stepmother

Changing History: The Ferris Wheel of Lost Civilizations

Is the hunt for our Ancient Origins over?

The Highs And Lows Of Ancient Heroin And Cocaine

Sir Isaac Newton’s Secret Quest for the God Engine

The Ancient Puzzle of the 2,300-Year-Old Grauballe Man

The Age-Old Bone-Rank Caste System of the Korean Kingdom of Silla

Was Alexander the Great Responsible for Creating Shangri-La in the Hunza Valley in Pakistan?

The Hominin Revelations of 2023

Shifting Earth Crusts: Does the Ancient Piri Reis Map Pinpoint Atlantis?

The Legend of Shikhandi, the Transgendered Warrior Who Paid the Price of Opposing Powerful Men

Magic and Prophecy: Unraveling the Origins of Mother Shipton’s Cave

The Remarkable Reconstruction of a Man from the Tomb of Sunken Skulls

The Origins Of Mankind: Was There An African Eve?