Sep 10, 2022Liked by Ancient Origins UNLEASHED

Good Evening,

Very interesting,

Thanks for sharing knowledge.



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Happy to see you liked it! :-)

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There are so many different theories as to the where Atlantis was located. I found your article quite interesting. I doubt that we will ever truly find its location however. Mother nature has a way of altering the earth and in my opinion, with the melting of the glaciers and the rising oceans, it will probably put finding it an impossibility except in the thought processes of our mind.

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There are tons of theories, we will keep covering other theories soon!

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Where the Hyperboreans not living according to Plato in the Carpathian Mountains before the Roman Empire invaded that area lead by the Emperor Trajan?

There is also a great river (Danube) and the mountains are covered with forests…

The mountains do present on their rocks traces of marine life…

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People for centuries have always wished to locate Atlantas instead of being satisfied with their surroundings. And what if we located it? would we be happy or bored within a month?

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Occultists say that Atlantis was an ENTIRE CONTINENT located in the region where the present Atlantic Ocean is and existed as a culture/civilization for a VERY LONG period of time. The level of technology throughout would dwarf the very best of modern times.

Atlantis, in social decline, "experienced some issues" which over time created climate changes. It resulted in the land mass gradually submerging. The process , violent as it might have been, was not quick and the continent was quite large. The last portion of the original civilization that submerged is reportedly what Plato referred to.

The most ancient of present-day records of civilizations may have been off-shoots and colonies of Atlantis.

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Thira is the lost island of Atlantis, there quite a few ancient submerged cities that does not make them all Atlantis.

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This is why we need to do a lot of research.

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First check your sources on the location of the PILLARS of HERAKLES. Clearly stated in ancient greek manuscripts and falsified as to where its location is. Moreover many have been demolished now that were further on the shippingroute. I stood next to them. But no mention as to the real name. Just some note they had no idea who surrected them. It is getting tiring all this false guessing at the real location of Atlantis.

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The writer have to check "The Richat Structure" in Mauritania.

The structure have all the sign of Atlantis, and also what Plato writes: "There was many elephants in Atlantis".

No one could tell how Westafrika was look like 12.000 years ago, but even Egyptish writing tell about a green and very wedt Sahare was, many years ago (5-6.000 years it tells) and no one knows how it was 10 - 12.000 years.

Sorry, I do not believe this story...

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How can I download the reports/articles? Thanks.

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There is a share button in the end of the article.

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Did they worship Hercules?

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I have always had a strong connection to the energy of Atlantis, this is a great article.

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No. The Richat structure matches perfectly, you can see that the sea used to surround it and further in but a collapse triggered a tsunami which washed over the top and out into the ocean creating the islands off the coast. Google earth shows it. Just like South America was joined to Antarctica, it was washed away.

Lidar scans show rectangular shapes in it.

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I agree, but the time and nature of the destruction is older and more devious. Just understand, they do alter dates all through history to deceive and confuse us, to sell us fiction, to cover the inconvenient truths. Here, they probably removed a zero from Plato's timeline (from 110k years ago to 11k). The bigger number would put the destruction close to the start of the Ice Age, but exact dates are not important. Prior to the Ice Age, circa 110-120k BC, THERE WERE NO ICE CAPS, and seas would have been 400 or so feet higher, which would make the Richat Structure a lush estuary perfectly fitting Plato's description. But what happened whereby it was rendered a mud flat, is the tricky question. Plato talked about volcanoes, but nuclear bombs dropped from above (by, say, black-headed aliens) might look the same from the mind of the aboriginal person of that time, who could not have understood that technology or what they were seeing. But to create an Ice Age (100k year long nuclear winter) it would take many big bombs, and there are megalithic stone ruins in China and in many places, maybe all continents, that suggest there were, that the entire planet was bombed, rendered ruin, with most humanity and big animals killed by it or the dark, cold aftermath. Then much later, the (self-described) black-headed Sumerians arrived on the scene, and the population of dark-haired people (with respect to pockets of aboriginal survivors) exploded, resettling the ruins, and supplanting the fair-haired. As for the Richat Structure, the big question is what would you find if you started digging all around there? If they'd let you take the lid of it!

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