Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Most interesting here is what it NOT DISCUSSED - the 'big lie' that the ancient people were dark-skinned, and not white like the current ethnicity of the region. Here's the side-by-side comparison: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2018/02/07/22/48F9651100000578-0-image-a-3_1518043899068.jpg But it's a good development (a 'got-cha' moment!), which hopefully begins a standard practice of finding 'closest modern match' DNA from the ancient remains to TRULY understand who they were/who we are, ...and maybe one day begin seriously piecing together what happened to them/us upon the event that caused the sudden Ice Age, and how they/we survived it. No more 'out-of-Africa' silliness!

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They don't move around much in the South-West!

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