When did the Worlds Land mass to arrive at their present locations. People of one kind or another have lived here a long time. But the arguments between the folks in this article are forgetting something simple. Many people believe that Adam was the first man, I say he was not. But do say he may be the first Modern Man. During the time of Pangea people had already covered the Land mass, the land mass moved the people did not.

Both sides have value and may be absolutely correct if view during the correct time in history. Date of early Humanoid couple hundred thousand years ago to Modern Humanoids from Nine to ten Thousand years ago to present. I also add something else the this mix of questions and controversy.

Most peoples arrived at their present locations within the last five thousand years, if there was a global flood as described in the Bible, and should be able to have DNA evidence pointing to Noah's Family (Eight Individuals).

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No one with a brain believes Adam was the first man in the world. It's demeaning to women and to the people that were here first.

Fuck your God, as someone who's family can be traced back 15K+ years, Cthulu is more real then the lie that is Jesus Christ

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Over 14 years ago my wife and I found a collection of incredible artifacts in the Alpine of the Rockies, US. It includes many tools and art. It also includes what appears to be many ancient Grease Lamps and Hearths. Probably fueled by Mammoth fat. Although the evidence is overwhelming, it has yet to be recognized by Archeologists. I am in the process of building a web site so we can offer this collection to everyone. The list of symbols has outlined a "vocabulary" of this Ancient Culture. They include Ice Age fauna like the Woolly Mammoth, Mastodon, Cave Lion, Camel, Horse, Tapir, Bison, Dire Wolf and more. Even the Ancient Paleo Hunter. It also includes many tools. From "sandstone" uniface choppers and cleavers to quartzite core tools. And much more. As mentioned, there is also an extensive collection or Grease Lamps with over 100 examples. The only ones ever reported as being found in North America. Except for those used by the Ancient Inuits. There are also many Shaman with elaborate headdresses. But what is truly amazing is the art. Complex combinations of animals and their interactions. We have studied and researched this collection very hard for over 14 years. And feel comfortable, no, certain, saying that this collection is authentic. When discovered, we were just ignorant enough not to realize how unlikely this is. You can see some of the artifacts at www.paleohunter.org. The website better describes and explains the circumstances. It has been an amazing journey. It is a work in progress. Estimated to be completed in 3 months or so. Although outdated, many of the Art pieces can be found at www.wingedbison.com. Things have changed so much since that was published, it was easier to start over. It describes an almost impossible context and a great adventure. We hope you find it helpful. With all respect, John and Kerri

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I hope someone takes you seriously. It frustrates me that science doesn't simply adjust its timeline according to new evidence. If a theory doesn't account for anomalous findings, the theory is wrong. This is basic empiricism, the foundation of science, yet there seem to be shadowy influences who will destroy careers and hide or destroy new evidence to maintain the status quo. Who is it? Why are they so resistant to new information? Get the politics out of it all and find the truth. Maybe everything we think we know is wrong - we have to allow for that possibility as new methods and technologies are developed. Scientific theories have to be flexible, living things that can adapt to incorporate new information. Defending old ideas in the face of new information is not only the opposite of science, it weakens people's trust in scientists. At a time when an anti-intellectual trend is moving through our culture, rigorous honesty is essential.

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This merely proves the Bible correct since the earth WAS one landmass and all the waters were gathered in one place in Genesis 1:9. There was only one sea not several oceans as we have today.

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Um... No. let science be a mystery. Let religion be a mystery. They don’t have to line up-

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Um actually yes and if you don't like it go kick rocks or something.

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Mexico is in North America. Yes, this finding affects our understanding of South American history, but more immediately in my mind, it affects the history of North America. There is the popular " understanding" that North American was only thinly populated before 1492, with virtually no history. This finding challenges that ... When does the human history of this ( North American) continent start? In my high school, it started in 1492. .. My desire to know continues. Thanks for publication.

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Very striking differences in the history of humanity as it was and perhaps, more urgently, as it will be as the days march on!

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Yea, I kind of got the feeling they would rather I just go away... I am too stubborn. Being certain that all of this is from an Ancient Culture. Knowing just enough to realize how significant it is. There are others. One day everyone will catch up. It takes a while. I realize you just can't drop something like this and expect anyone to believe you. Without a preponderance of evidence. That is what the WB collection is. We are still, and always be learning from it. Yes, I was very surprised that no one wanted to look at this. It is an incredible horde from an Ancient Culture. And tells an amazing story. One day they will be interested. That is why we will continue working on this. Thanks for the comments Morgan. John

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