Our knowledge of Neanderthal Man, not to mention the dimly viewed origins of Homo Sapiens, is sketchy at best. We do know, however, that the development of the human mind and related societies throughout time has been anything but a straight ascent to today. Arrogance alone will not and cannot deny these facts.

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Neanderthals were brilliant. They built the first furniture 170,000 years ago in a cave using stalagmites, They about 100k made glue in a three step procress to afix spear points. They did cave art before sapiens, religiously buried their dead. They Undoubtedly used some form of language to achieve this, be it sign or verbal or both is to be determined.

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If your entire region is decimated in the greatest holocaust, such as the one that caused the Ice Age, and you only survived it by going down into the caves and caverns, and you had to start civilization again from that point, you'd first be using bones and sticks and flint, if you were industrious like they were. But you'd also be looking for and finding all the metal implements the prior civilization had made, that had not rusted away, i.e., the bronze ones.

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I have repeatedly tried unsubscribing to your bullshit newsletters and endless beggary yet it keeps coming and coming. What the fuck does it take to get off your SPAM LIST???

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I have repeatedly tried unsubscribing to your bullshit newsletters and endless beggary yet it keeps coming and coming. What the fuck does it take to get off your SPAM LIST???

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