Hi. What does it mean that I'm 19% related to Beethoven? I was hoping for more specific information...

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Felicidades por el artículo.

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I wrote a well-reviewed book about the Battle of Carrhae and the missing Roman legion titled FIELD OF MARS. I put a lot of effort into researching the fighting methods and tactics of Roman cohorts of the era. If anyone is interested in this intriguing story, check it out :) https://www.amazon.com/Field-Mars-Complete-Novel-Collision-ebook/dp/B08S2RXC5Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38B9KYR8JJ1D3&keywords=field+of+mars+complete+edition+rollins&qid=1695855847&sprefix=field+of+mars+complete+ediiton+rollins%2Caps%2C319&sr=8-1

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Thanks very much for sharing this interesting and well written article with your readers.

I greatly appreciate your work and look forward to reading more of it.

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Terribly written article. Full of repetition and clumsy sentence structure. Useless really

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