If only we could still communicate with others instead of condemning them.

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I really liked the post. Very good and interesting information.

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Thank you!

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Good Morning,

Very interestin article.

Thanks for sharing knowledge



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I am crazy about new things, I love good information

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The Greeks were the first civilization to discover more than you know they are very intelligent, and many medicines came from them. Go back in time and see what all they discovered that we use today

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Utter nonsense. One link says this system was used during the Punic Wars to communicate between Sicily and Carthage. These are over 100 miles apart, and this is a line of sight system. And for Polybius' sake, I hope the messages were spaced rather far apart, as anything close would require instantaneous reaction. It's a neat idea, but I doubt if it ever worked for more than 4 or 5 messages on a long rod.

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