I am not a doctor nor an archeologist. Having said that I am particularly worried about this story as I have been around the children who suffered from encephalitis in the 60's and looking at a skull from several children suffering from this disease, they look the same. I am sure that the professionals that looked at this skull are knowledgeable, however that person states he has never seen anyone with this skull shape. Yes. we should keep open minds, that is a given in my life, however there are those who chose to believe the wild and outrageous claims even when there is no truth to the story.

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Well said, this unfortunate individual suffered from a rare condition. You may want to do an online search on a genetic condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. This particular skull looks like a severe case.

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When I researched this myself, due to your comment, I do find exactly what you're talking about right away. Definitely I have a problem with the claims this has no similar counterparts in nature. If one such major untruth is included, what else can be taken at face value? I'd need to see more than I have about DNA claims that's for sure.

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Yes, thank you!

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Surely mainstream scientists must accept DNA evidence, musn't they?

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If it is indeed true. Given this skull is actually a text book case of extreme Treacher Collins Syndrome deformities, there are modern examples which look very similar, I'd be cautious about accepting everything claimed herein without more than the claim.

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The gods os science? Huh-uh. Dr. Planck (ID Creationist) said something along the line of, "Science advances with every funeral." Science can advance only as the old order passes on.

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Going against the prevailing paradigm in science is risky professionally. Even Einstein, who we now recognize as one of the greats, once said he would not have postulated what he did had he known the blowback he would get from the scientific community. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

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Please, this skull is totally human and not from some space alien or some space alien hybrid. You may want to do an online search on a genetic condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome.

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Ancient Aliens is a site for speculation and discussion. Nay-sayer academics who maintain theories hashed over thousands of times and have been compromised to gain broader acceptance is all a bunch of rhetoric we have heard before.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Because you read about some disease online that you really know nothing about, have no experience with? You want to end the discussion with universal agreement that you're right,... while we all know you're blowin brain farts into the wind fishing for suckers.

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You're entitled to your opinion/s while we still have freedom of speech. However it makes far more sense knowing this skull is perfectly human which had a serious genetic condition rather than some space creature. Hope this helps.

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Just another hybridizing effort by the fallen angels.. there is more than enough proof that they existed, even tho the people seem to always be discredited... Again the term "conspiracy theory" was created by the cia to cover up ther exposed mkultra program during the church hearings n now is a perjorative for any truthseeker... N personally the fact that the us government was themeelfs fooled 70 years ago imto believing the zeta lie n that the roswell ufo was alien... But they were created cybernetic being using a neurolink like device, because the h3 fusion reaction is too radioactive for humans.. but these things.. that IS ancient history.. the pryamid complexes being within the same lattitudes all across the world? N were supposed to beleve not only manmade but that they were merely religious sites?

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The Starchild story so far demonstrates some suspect and bad science in action. Buried within this story is a lack of credible citations or even naming the researchers who did the initial partial (incomplete) testing. I subbed to this site initially because it seemed like it had thoughtful and cogent articles on archaeology and history but this particular article leaves me suspect that maybe not every story is adequately vetted.

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Pretty sure X & Y chromosomes were discovered during the testing on the skull, identifying it as a male child, while the chromosomal testing showed the arm belonged to a woman. Further mitochondrial DNA testing revealed these two were not related, but were definitely both human.

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I looked around for some images of Treacher collins syndrome, and did not see any that looked like the starchild skull - the Starchild skull is considerably larger than normal. Also, I did not see any with the short eye sockets. I'm not familiar enough with skulls to know about the missing sinus cavities mentioned in the article.

But mainly, what about the DNA evidence? I think those kids probably all had 100% human DNA.

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Very interesting article.

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DNA is like a blue print of an organism. So if something like this serious mutation changed an individual's facial pattern wouldn't this show up as different within his or her genome/DNA?

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Sounds to me that it is just a physically and maybe mentally mutated human, big, strong and good for working whatever jobs they needed. In short a birth defect that was exploited.

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It is a genetic condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome.

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