Sep 29, 2022Liked by Ancient Origins UNLEASHED

Thanks for this.

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Is it just me or does that fox on that ancient tablet look like a Tasmanian Devil, not a fox? Having lived in the country, I've seen quite a few foxes. That "fox" doesn't look at all like one. But it does bear an uncanny resemblance to the Tasmanian Devil.

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to me it looks like a sort of domestic hound dog but as an expression of a human artist anything is possible but i doubt fox and tasmanian devil exist in the same environment. the web site only attribute the picture to 'public domain' so your guess is as good as mine.

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No, it’s not just you. I agree.

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'ancient origins' seems to have changed it's format quite a bit or is it just me? did they change ownership or what? i feel like this comment facility is better than the old one.

as for this article, i am not familiar with the content enough to have an opinion and i do not see anything related to ancient stone carvings...thank you!

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call out it's name and up pops the devil....perhaps the day will come when if you ask of a.i. then only a.i. will answer

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i see consciousness everywhere i look and so i ask which came first, matter or consciousness ?

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without consciousness there is nothing more to say.

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